Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Keep on Truckin'

So I already suck. But let's keep trying anyway. There's no "quit" in "win" or some shit.

So these past 24 hours have been excellent. My headlights burnt out, so I spent some money I didn't have getting those fixed before driving for an hour and a half to get to a sign class (which was actually pretty cool) and then my printer wouldn't accept my toner so I knew I needed to get up early to get to school to print some stuff, and I did but the train was delayed an hour anyway and my phone was broken so I couldn't call my supervisor to tell her I was going to be late and unprepared, but then I got here and the supervisor was sick and hadn't been able to get ahold of me to tell me the appointment was canceled so now I was at school four hours before I needed to go to rounds.

I'm sorry, did I say excellent? I MEANT HORRIBLE.

But the benefits of this are that I can catch up on my reading, actually get a chance to eat lunch (a virtual impossibility on Wednesdays), and decompress for a bit.

My sign language class is going to be cool. It's a bit of a pain in the ass logistically, because it's up in Northbrook and the two girls I'm taking it with don't have cars, so I'm stuck behind the wheel for an hour and a half each way. When I emailed the department about taking classes, the idea was to carpool, not to find the two girls in the program who don't have cars. But they're really nice and accomodating, and having others depend on me keeps me motivated. Silver lining and all that.

Also? Between fucking American Idol and dumbass Bush, Bones is all screwed up this month. It was supposed to come back tomorrow, but Bush's "later skaters" address is pushing it back a week. Then, they're airing two in a row (dude, self control) which puts the second episode against some serious competition for ratings as well as in a horrible DVR spot. I have to negotiate with Mateo Suerte to see if we can work something out.

I hope to get more topical in the blog (not necessarily political or current, but have some kind of a theme to show some growth from the horrific livejournal entries of my high school/early college career).

Peace out.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Let's Try Again

New Year, new me.

Eat less.
Sleep more.
Whine less.
Exercise more.
Procrastinate less.
Write more.

Let's see how it goes this time. I've been running pretty consistently and keeping food levels down to that of two small families. Sleeping needs to be seriously worked on as well as writing. I'm going to see if I can post every day here.

Let's roll.